Got The Court Date

Thursday August 24, 2006
Well it is official! Our court date has been set for Monday August 28 at 11 AM. This means we will be leaving here Tuesday morning at 1:50 AM. We went to the Lufthansa office after our visit with Kristin to change our flight. It will be bittersweet to leave here, on one hand we are dying to get back to the comforts of home and the company of friends and family. On the other hand, we will be leaving our beautiful daughter for almost three weeks until we return. She has gotten closer to us day by day. Today and yesterday we got A+ on her feeding and she hardly fusses anymore. She was really “chatting” up a storm with Gary today, I think she’s making her demands on what her rooms should look like, clothes, shoes…typical female things. All kidding aside, she is a real bundle of joy and we both her love her tremendously. We have been trying to get her used to a pacifier rather than using her thumb.
I am a little concerned about what the effects of the three week separation will be. Today, her caretaker again told us that she is less fussy now that she knows that she has parents. She said that there has been a marked positive change in her behavior and she can see how attached she is to us as we are to her. Well, we are counting down…one day closer to coming home and one day closer to bringing her home.
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