An Endorsement

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Well today we were pleased to hear from one of the caretakers that our visits with Kristin have resulted in an improvement in her behaviour. She said that Kristin is calmer, more sociable and actually looks forward to our visits. We both viewed that as a resounding endorsement as future parents. We have noticed that she really dreads feeding and associates the placement of a bib or anything around her neck as feeding time. Usually she is very plasyful and happy when we first see her, but as soon as we put the bib around her neck she starts to get fussy. She did very well today with her feeding (we got an A today). She does not seem to like milk though...something that we will have to work on. Also, for all the future baby sitters out there, she does not like to be bothered when she gets sleepy..she'll burst out in her "fake" cry.
Oh by the way, correction on the last blog, Edvick is in the red sweatshirt. Also some of you have asked for our phone's 0117-3272-73-61-74. That's the full number to dial from the States. We are expecting our attorney to meet with the Yessick judge today, so (cross your fingers, toes, etc.) we will get our court date by tomorrow morning when we see Galina. I am fairly optimistic that it will be by next week Tuesday. Whatever date it is, we will be booked for the next morning (in the wee hours) to head home. Thank you all for your e-mails and positive response on the blogs, it is great to have such wonderful support. I am glad to hear that I am not boring you. I am sorry that we haven't been able to respond to all e-mails, but we do appreciate them very much. Miss you all very much and will continue to keep you posted.
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