HURRAY!- Visit 14

Monday, August 21, 2006
Well today marked the final “official” visit with Kristin. She seemed to be extremely playful and active today. She was really happy to be in the walker and made attempts to crawl. She seems to get cuter and more adorable everyday. I thank God everyday for having blessed us with this beautiful child and for giving us the means to be able to adopt her. By the end of this week, we are hoping to hear when our court date will be. Karen’s is today and she will be leaving at 2 AM tomorrow morning.
Almost every time that we visit Kristin, we see this young boy, Edvick (not sure of spelling), who is probably close to three years old (he's the one on the left in the red cap). At three years of age the children are transferred from baby houses to orphanages. Normally we would give him a high five or a handshake. When we saw him on Saturday, he was extremely withdrawn. Normally, he would push an available tricycle in the yard. Today, Gary showed him how to ride the tricycle and led him around the yard. He was so thrilled and for the remainder of the visit he would wave and smile at us. He was a totally different child and interacted with us a lot more. It is really sad to see these children in the baby house. You really wish that you could take them all home. The transformation you witness from giving them some individual attention is amazing.
In the afternoon we met with Karen to have a celebratory drink-celebrating the adoption decree-which was granted to her today and our final official visit.
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